Cannas are lush and exotic, cannas bring a touch of paradise to any garden, and after decades of scorn they’re rebounding back into vogue. Cannas were a huge hit in late-Victorian days, and cottage-garden artist Gertrude Jekyll praised them for “the handsomest foliage in the border.”
Cannas available at colorful Glorious flowers from white, yellows, pinks, reds and multiple pastels are graced by some of the most interesting and colorful foliage. Cannas are considered herbaceous perennials and are semi-root hardy. They will not tolerate freezing conditions, but may be lifted and stored for the winter. These easy to care for plants prefer full sun to partial shade, generous amounts of water and a regular fertilizer program.
Steps to grow Cannas Flowers
Cannas are showy, colorful plants used in flowerbeds, boxes, tubs and borders. They grow from 2 to 10 feet tall. They have large oval shaped leaves and massive clusters of flowers throughout the summer and fall
Step 1
Plant canna rhizomes outdoor in the spring when all threat of frost is over. Locate a spot in the full sun that's well drained. You should amend the soil with compost or peat moss if it's needed.
Step 2
With a shovel, dig holes 4 to 6 inches deep and plant the rhizomes about 2 inches beneath the surface. Space the cannas 1-1/2 to 2 feet apart. Make sure that the eyes of the rhizomes are facing up.
Step 3
After planting, soak your cannas with water. Add a layer of mulch to the ground to help the cannas retain moisture and discourage weed growth.
Step 4
You should water the cannas throughout the growing season. Don't let the soil get too dry. You can deadhead the plants by removing spent blooms to encourage them to produce more flowers.
Step 5
After the first killing frost, when the foliage turns brown, you should lift the canna rhizomes with a shovel. Cut off the foliage and knock off any remaining soil. Place the rhizomes in a box filled