What you'll need:
• Colored poster board
• Scissors
• Stapler or hot glue
• Turtleneck of solid dark color
• Leggings of solid dark color
• Green poster board
• Pencil (to draw the pattern with)
• Safety pins
How to make it:
1. Cut two strips of poster board several inches wide to go around child's face, lengthwise under chin/over top of head. After measuring this, lay out flat.
2. Cut out petal shapes out of poster board, leaving a small square shape at bottom of petal for attaching to the poster board strip that will go around the head.
3. Staple or hot glue this square end to the strip, and "bend" the petal at the point where the petal leaves the strip - this will make the petals "stand up" around the child's head."
4. Staple the petals in between the two layers of flower rings, making sure to start partway up on both sides, so as to have petals going around sides of face and top of head, but not under the chin. Staple or glue the ring after this to ensure sturdiness.
5. Place it on the child's head, measure, but don't staple the ends until time to wear.
Flower Body:
1. Simply use turtle neck and leggings of solid dark color for the body of the flower.
2. Cut out leaves the same way you did the flower petals, and safety pin to the shoulders of the turtle neck.